Facebook? Check News24 for any articles that don’t include Zuma, Trump or the Kardashians? Yeah, so do we… But every now and then we stumble across some really cool stuff. This week, Google launched its Google AI Experiments. Google is using their vast computing power with neural networking to put a spin on machine learning. Most of us have encountered mobile apps that have the capability to scan an object or wine label and then recognise it and then send the user feedback or translate a language on the fly.
Google has pushed this into a really fun and entertaining way. Instead of scanning an image of a wine bottle, the Google AI experiment Giorgio Cam instantly breaks into a funky rhythm and rhyme back what it thinks it is seeing.
Our personal favourite was the Quick, Draw!. It’s like playing Pictionary with a computer. The program gives you a shape to draw, you have 20 seconds to do so, and as you try and put down your best representation of a bear, the AI constantly feeds back what it is seeing. The more you play, the more it will learn. It’s a scary thought but at the same time an awesome one.
So, whenever you’re sick of another Hollywood break-up story, head over to https://aiexperiments.withgoogle.com and give it a whirl.